Thursday 14 March 2013

Rough Cut Feedback

The main reason for producing a rough cut for my opening sequence is for people to watch it and to give feedback based on the 4 main areas of media: sound, mise-en-scene, editing and camera. At first, I gave a point about my opening sequence that I haven't completed or I've done wrong and needs improving. Here is the feedback that was given by the viewers of my opening sequence:

  • The title music was better than what it was before.
  • Include plane tickets, maybe, to show that the young man is ready to leave for his father.
  • The music: too much difference between the different styles of music included in both the letter scene and phone scene.
  • 'Gazing into your eyes' - too romantic.
  • Letter is emotional - tear to Liam's eye.
  • Title sequence - effective way, but jumps a little bit.
  • Smoother transition - less dramatic.
  • Variety of different angles used.
  • Like the photos part near the start of the sequence.

I will now make all of these changes and add the rest of the titles, so the audience can get a gist of the whole story. These changes, hopefully, will be seen in the 'final cut'. 

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