Thursday 28 February 2013

Filming Diary Entry - Thursday 28th February

Today, I filmed shots 9-13 of my opening sequence, which includes the opening of the envelope to the point where the protagonist smiles. These frames from my storyboard above contributes with my work for which I have completed today. Today was the 2nd day of my filming schedule and my 3rd day of production overall. What went well for today was the fact that all of the shots included are exactly what I wanted it to be (the right use of camera terms e.g. close-up for the protagonist smiling). 

My plans for next time is to use the help from the volunteer to position the camera and the tripod in the exact position I want it in. Not many more changes are needed for this section of the filming. It is all running smoothly.

The pictures below show the 2nd day of filming for my opening sequence:


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