Thursday 14 February 2013

Props and Costume


  • Glass Garden Table and matching Chair - This is for Joshua to sit down and to rest his props on the table.
  • Shoe box - This is the safe place of where Joshua's personal stuff is kept. The shoe box represents Joshua's poor background.
  • Envelope - To keep the letter in, before Joshua reads it.
  • Letter - For Joshua to read in the voice-over scene.
  • HTC Wildfire mobile phone - This is used when Joshua goes to call his father (or does he?).
  • Family photos - For Joshua to look at near the start of the opening sequence.
  • Family tree - To present the title of the film and the above-the-line talent.
  • Camera - Used by me and a volunteer.


The main character will be wearing scruffy, dirty clothes. This will match the setting of the opening sequence, which contains loads of tools and useless equipment. This costume has the connotation that the protagonist comes from a poor background. Despite having enough doll money to spend on new clothes, he finds it hard to get out of the house and instead saves it for an airplane. This is all the costume needed, as there is only 1 character involved in the opening sequence. 

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