Wednesday 13 February 2013

Summary of Opening Sequence

The beginning of my opening sequence shows a high-angle shot of the floor of the shed, panning towards the glass table. This is when the title of the film and the above-the-line talent appear on a sheet of paper. The camera pans at each title, like a structure of a family tree, gradually going up the tree. The shot then cuts to the man sat at the table, looking at photos of him and his single mum. He then searches through a box of personal things and inconspicuously finds a letter addressed to him and decides to open it. He then reads the letter, with the voice-over of his father in the background (non-diegetic sound) and smiles sympathetically. 

A close-up then shows the man's hand reaching for his mobile phone, which cuts to a long shot when the man dials the number on his phone. It cuts to a close-up to show the man dialing the number and then to another close-up of the man breathing heavily in nervousness. The ending shows his thumb moving towards the call button on his phone, in a slow-motion picture, when finally, it fades to black.

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