Wednesday 13 February 2013

Shot List

Another important element for my film opening is a camera shot list. The shot list is very important because it gives the opening sequence an effect and an insight of what will happen in the filming. This helps introduce the characters, setting and the tension in the plot of the film.

The shot list is as followed:

Shot 1 - High-angle and panning shot of the floor and table.
Shot 2 - Close-up shot and panning shot of the drawing of a family tree, which reads the title of the film and the above-the-line talent.
Shot 3 - Close-up and point of view shot of Joshua looking at the photos of his father.
Shot 4 - Match on action and close-up of Joshua looking at the photos, with the camera focused on Joshua.
Shot 5 - Long shot of Joshua putting down the photos and then opening the box of personal things.
Shot 6 - Close-up and match on action of Joshua tipping the box over.
Shot 7 - Extreme Close-up and point of view of Joshua finding an envelope in the box and picking it up.
Shot 8 - Mid-shot and match on action of Joshua looking at the envelope and then turns it around to open it.
Shot 9 - Over-the shoulder and match on action of Joshua opening the envelope and unraveling the letter.
Shot 10 - Long shot of Joshua frantically looking at the letter.
Shot 11 - Point of view shot of Joshua reading the letter, with the voice-over of Dad reading out loud the letter.
Shot 12 - Shot/reverse shot which cuts back to Joshua concentration and the letter itself.
Shot 13 - Close-up of the happy emotion on Joshua's face.
Shot 14 - Ellipsis and close-up of Joshua's hand moving the papers and grabs his mobile phone.
Shot 15 - Long shot of Joshua standing up.
Shot 16 - Close-up of Joshua looking down on his dad's mobile number on the letter.
Shot 17 - Close-up of Joshua looking down on his phone, dialing his dad's mobile number.
Shot 18 - Close-up and match on action shot of the mobile phone with Joshua's thumb dialing the number.
Shot 19 - Close-up of Joshua's emotion: nervousness (he breathes heavily and looks very nervous).
Shot 20 - Close-up and panning shot of Joshua's mobile phone. It cuts from the number, which then pans to the call button.
Shot 21 - Slow motion and mid-shot of Joshua's thumb moving closer towards the call button. The call button is not shown to create an effect. 
Shot 22 - Fade to black. 

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