Thursday 28 February 2013

Filming Diary Entry - Wednesday 27th February

Yesterday, me and a volunteer filmed the first 8 shots of the opening sequence, with the help of a cam-corder and a tripod. The first 3 storyboard frames used in my storyboard we're portrayed on camera yesterday. This was our first major filming day and I will need another 2 days to film the remaining camera shots. As it was our first day and it was time to move the props in to the shed, I found that all the equipment were in the right place at the right time. I thought it was going to be much worse. Also, I had a volunteer working with me to film these shots, which worked very well with the structure of my opening sequence. 

The plans for next time is to work on my camera shots more carefully. Some shots did not match the expectations to my storyboard and some parts of the script were portrayed differently in the filming. 

Below are the pictures of the opening day of filming:  

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